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IC card

Integrated Circuit Card, also known as Smart Card, Intelligent Card, Microcircuit Card or microchip Card, etc.It is a microelectronic chip embedded in a card base that conforms to ISO 7816 standard and is made into a card form.The communication mode between IC card and reader can be contactless or non-contactless.According to the communication interface, IC CARDS are divided into contact IC CARDS, contactless IC CARDS and dual interface CARDS (with both contact and non-contact communication interfaces).


IC card chip parameters:

Cardiac chip: FM11RF08

Storage capacity :1Kbit,16 partitions, two groups of passwords for each partition

Working frequency: 13.56MHZ

Communication speed: 106Kboud

Read and write distance: 2.5 -- 10CM

Read and write time: 1-2ms

His work temperature: - 20 ℃ -- 85 ℃

Rubbing number: > 100000 times

Data storage: > for 10 years

Specification: 85.5 54 0.8 (standard card)

Packaging materials: VC, PET, 0.13 copper COINS

Packaging process: ultrasonic automatic wiring/automatic welding

Production standards: ISO 14443, ISO 10536

Application: campus card, hospital medical card, business supermarket membership card, community property card, company attendance card and other fields