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Dual interface card

Dual interface card (also known as combination card/dual terminal interface card) is a multi-functional card that has both contact and non-contact interface communication. It integrates the convenience of non-contact IC card and the safety and reliability of contact IC card, making it an excellent carrier for one card and representing the main development direction of IC card in the future.Dual interface card is not only suitable for the city public transportation, highway toll and electronic wallet and other convenient occasions, but also to meet the safety, reliability of more attention to the needs of financial services, e-commerce, card market has become another hot competition.


Technical specifications of dual interface card:

Chip using CMOS EEPROM technology, user available EEPROM space 32K bytes (or above)

Hard mask technology for smart card chip operating system COS (COS hard mask in ROM program area)

ISO 7816 interface rates support 9600bps, 38400bps, 57600bps

ISO 14443 TypeA interface rates support 106Kbps, 212Kbps, 414Kbps

EEPROM erase lifetime: more than 100,000

Data storage time: not less than 10 years

Chip support 1024bit ~ 2048bit RSA algorithm

Voltage range: 2.7 ~ 5.5v

ESD protection: greater than 4KV

Low working temperature: - 25 ℃ ~ + 50 ℃ [1]


There are three types of dual interface CARDS:

1. Contactless smart card system and contactless smart card system are only physical combination in one card, two EEPROM, two systems are independent of each other.

2. Contactless smart card system and contactless smart card system operate independently from each other, but share part of the storage space in the card.

3. The contactless smart card system and contactless smart card system are completely integrated. The contactless and contactless running states are the same, and they share one CPU management.Of the three kinds of dual-interface IC CARDS, only the last dual-interface IC card is the real non-contact dual-interface CPU card.